Letterboxd: The Social Media For Film Lovers
In this episode of One Moore Hollywood Podcast, our hosts, Chris Moore, Katie Marpe, and Dennis De Nobile, chat about online film communities they love and why those networks are so important for fans of film as well as the film industry at large.
The star of this particular episode is–you guessed it–Letterboxd.
What Makes Letterboxd So Special?
Although people can and do talk about film on other forms of social media (Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), Letterboxd is notable because it's entirely dedicated to film, and there are layers to how you can use it. For instance, when Marpe first got on Letterboxd, she used it solely as a log, a place akin to Goodreads or StoryGraph where she could list the films she had seen and wanted to see.
It wasn't until later that Marpe began investigating the other layers of Letterboxd–following accounts, reading and liking other people's reviews, and writing reviews herself. As she likes to say, Letterboxd is filled with a lot of love for movies and a lot of jokes about movies.
The Importance of Letterboxd
Other film communities include curation platforms such as Criterion, or filmmaking nonprofits like The Sundance Institute. Still, Letterboxd is special because rather than acting as a film distributor or curator, it is simply a casual place for film discussion.
In addition, film networking sites like Letterboxd are essential because they're impartial. Letterboxd has yet to take money from any producers, studios, or investors; therefore, it acts as an impartial peer-review site dedicated to hosting discussions of movies with people who love movies.
"Film communities can be a great tool to find people who love professional storytelling and to recommend stuff. We shouldn't all just be wed to what they market at us and put in the first three horizontal menu items on Netflix."
–Chris Moore
Speaking of people who love movies, One Moore Hollywood Podcast now has an official Letterboxd account, so if it sounds fun to keep track of the films mentioned on this podcast, give OMHPod a follow. Doing this will also give you access to some especially well-named lists, including 'Dennis's List of Non-Obscure Horror Films' and 'A Few Moore Suggestions.'
I mean, what Moore could you ask for?
Listen to the entire episode here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or iHeartRadio.